Volunteer Information
We can always make good use of your donations of funds if you wish to help in that way as well
Please upload up to two JPEG images of 2mb or less.
By indicating your acceptance, you understand, agree, warrant and covenant as follows: Traverse Area Community Sailing, the City of Traverse City and any other associated groups, their directors, members or associates, appointed or volunteer, do not accept any liability for loss of life or property, personal injury or damage caused or rising out of any activity engaged in during the season for any reason whatsoever. By Participating in these water based recreation programs, I am knowledgeable of the inherent risk in the sport. I also agree to assume the risks for myself and agree to hold the City of Traverse City and Traverse Area Community sailing, its directors, employees and volunteers harmless and free of any liability for damage or injury that may incur from these activities. I hereby give Traverse Area Community Sailing the irrevocable right to use my picture or photography in all forms and media and in all manners, including composite or manipulated representations, for advertising, promotion, or any other lawful purposes, and I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished version(s) including written copy that may be created and appear in connection therewith.